The car is in a very good technical condition, all the parts that have been changed are new and during the 4 years that it was in our hands, it was serviced in 80% of the cases at Honda service! (There are also its service histories) New winter tires (year 2023),,Riken" and additional titanium discs! On 06/09/2023, the team was changed of clutch, demfer, etc... with a new one, which at the moment is the most expensive part in the given car. At the same time, the oil in the engine, gearbox and bridge was always changed before the term of its use, approximately 2000-1000 km. The engine and gearbox are always dry, and they do not consume oil. The suspension is also renovated! There are many other parts that were changed new, only 1 part is used. As for the appearance, it also requires investment, as special attention has been drawn to the investment in the technical side of the car. At the beginning of April of the current year, the holes were repaired! As for the complete set, it is full and all the options work! (Cruise control, heated seats, air conditioner that was loaded last year, android tape recorder replaced with the basic one, heated mirrors, etc...) For the price I sell to the real buyer! Please don't bother me with stupid proposals!