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We urgently sell a sports car for 25000s. (In reality, this costs 60000-80000s) Formula Formula Predators PC010.
Engine: Honda Manual Transmission The car is ready to race track, uphill, slalom) technical data sheet ACI/CSAI e UISP. There are 5 such machines at a very favorable price. Who wants to open a business or have ideas call, I will give at a good price...
Urgent vindem masina sport cu 25000e (real asa masina costa 60000-80000e) Formula Predators PC010.
P.S. Rog sa sune doar cei cointeresati real... SI CEI CU FRUNTEA GROASA SA CITEASCA ATENT ANUNTUL. Please call only if you are really interested, AND PLEASE PLEASE READ THE ANNOUNCEMENT CAREFULLY.